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The code should be all applied now, thanks to kuckus ;)!!! So try it [url=http://www.christopher-cope.co.uk/temp/Re-design%20idea/index.htm]now[/url]!!!! Emp: 1. Is this the CSS in div code? if yes then it just kept messing up (I think it's dreamweaver, though) It worked for the temp file dreamweave makes, once saved and opened as just a page it just was all the same (i.e. page CSS took over) it was getting on my t**s after the 20th time trying, so I just gave up. (I know I should never give up to what I want the computer to do, than the computer pushing it her way, but it was driving me nuts :P) 2. So is the pop good? or bad? either way I don't care :P 3. Ya I know layers are bad, but I just wanted the navigation to stay on the page, saving making pages that change every time you click artwork or design, etc. So I made that into layers (which is fine to me as it was only the navigation part was layers). Then I had visions of frames for the content, but I just wanted to see if it was ok as all layers, which it is. But It's just a test I still made make the top (content part) a frames, i.e. to two frames= top & bottom. About NS4 ...hhhmmm I thought about this for a long time now and to me and most poeple I know (including teachers) say that NS4 is dead as there is modzilla and NS6/7 out and don't see why there are poeple still using NN4 as it's such a bad browser to get sites working on. So I don't know about it yet I'll try it NS4 if it's a mess then be it a mess as I can't be working for a browser that is so old and out of date, can I? But as you know with me (as in my last sites) I try to get it working in as many browsers as possible. So I'll try but don't get hopes up though. "4 nested tables at one point" maybe yes. I found out that on the mac 9+ something with IE5 the layer content would be moved up at the top, which it's not meant to be, so I tried placing it a table and it works in cantering it. For the navigation there is a few table in tables but that?s how it been made I can change it but with DW it might just go pear shape. 5. Colours ..hhhmm.... So what where you thinking with dark colours? To me I like it, it's colourful (compared to my last one) and is airy (I thought I would never say that word), which I like. But any move info on your thinking will be take in for processing, just like the others (that means you C:\) 6. Erm... yep I would like it canter on the page but the layers for navigation and page just go all over the place, so I'll just leave it in a pop-up. 7. Font tags = change of colour for some parts that's why probaly. Overall this it is just a test, if it works out well I'll use it, if not I'' re-think it over. It's only took me a week to make this so it's no harm to start again as I have learnt a lot here and there about things as I always do, so it's no bother to start again and learn some more :P. It just seems to be turing out bad once I started playing with layers :( -- DS -- [This message has been edited by Darkshadow (edited 06-21-2002).]
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