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Okey I tweaked some bits here and the now it should all work just need a glace over to see if it's OK then it's going up. I thought about it and now I will use it even though the page size a little big but it all work and fits together well to me, so I'm going to use it. [url=http://www.christopher-cope.co.uk/]- Here it is -[/url] WarMage: yep you have a point but I like space a round the edge of the image (also saves on file size ;) ) so I'll just leave it how it is. But knowing me it will be redesigned it month or two, again. So won't last long, hehe. Well thanks all for the review, ideas and help!! :D *Tries to stop thinking about more interface ideas* [ [b]edit[/b] - Don't bother lookin at it with old links, it all up and working now ;) ] -- DS -- [This message has been edited by Darkshadow (edited 06-23-2002).]
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