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~~ Redsign stage v0.5 ~~
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Thanks you two :D, [nice vioce] Right to start off the design is the way I want it and to me it?s better than my grey and dull site, which I have now. So leave the design of out it, as far as I'm concerned it?s better than the old one? If not I will care a little bit. But if you?re saying it's still "plain jane" then it's plain and I like plain as it make you consecrate on the content than the page. (Don?t know where jane came in though??) [nice voice] CPrompt: The artwork link does move up the links, that?s the way it will be because I can fit about three rows of links in there so it will all be understandable once it's full of links. Main page link added Link problem fixed I hope And I get what you mean it is a bit hard to understand but try it now it should be fixed, except the artwork and design (which will be full of links so it won't be out of line) Thanks for the link to centring pop-up win (I'll make it centred and make the pop-up work in opera as it does not yet) quisja: I haven't seen you around so welcome :D, But your ideas would just add more to download if it was an image at the back, so that's can't be done....hhmmm... got me thinking though ;) Now where's the 56K er room? I want feed back from 56Kers it all depend on there download time..... -- DS --
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