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DS: You called for 56k'ers so here I am! (Though it's actually 64k, but who cares ;) ) I won't say anything about the design but that it's nice neat and clean. Not far too 'plain jain' IMO. As for the download time, it's really much and already takes a long time to download without all the images being added. It would be a good idea to have the same small image in all the layers and replace it with the actual big one once the appropriate link is clicked. That way the images would only be loaded when needed. Example: <img name="artwork01" src="pixel.gif" width="400" height="200" alt="" /> You'll have to insert the big image's real width and height of course. Now you can change the img's source like that: <a href="javascript:document.images['artwork01'].src = 'artwork01.jpg';">//001</a> That should solve the bandwidth problems... How about putting the whole page into another <div> and centering it in the browser window instead of using the somewhat annoying popup window? I'm sure that'd make many people happy. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=282]kuckus (cell #282)[/url]
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