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Hello tester, hehe 56Ker's can you test it now and what?s it's like for emmm...download time *starting running away* Because I've added 20 images now ranging up to 50K each. So thats about 800KB :eek:. I know this idea is going to turn out bad for the humble 56kers I just knew it, but I have a back up idea that can work for all so I might start making that. (All nice ideas form poeple :D) CPrompt: Yep will be interesting when you 30+ links on the Artwork (beascue the file size will be over a 1meg then :-(. I not using any blogger or anything like it (might do but that?s another thing) I'll just change the text in the update box when I added image as I'll have to edit the file anyway. About the dHTML image loading bar, that can work but your still downloading in the end 1meg of images all at once, but kuckus idea is good. kuckus: Hhmm nice idea... I'll try it on a mock up and see how it goes, but all else fails I'll just use one frame, breaking it into two, one part nav the other pages. -- DS -- [edit - bye bye sig] [This message has been edited by Darkshadow (edited 06-19-2002).]
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