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I didn't see the first site, so I can't tell you if it's better than the other one, but here are a few comments on this time around. 1) The "splash" page: not really even a splash. I don't see why you need it... 2) Scrolling: very unintuitive. I discovered it by accident when my cursor went over one of the two little dot graphics. Even then I didn't realize at first why the text moved, and I had to look at the images for a moment before I figured out that the one on the left scrolled up and the one on the right scrolled down. Not only are the images themselves unconventional, but their positioning is also unconventional, making it a rather confusing experience. 3) Content area: I don't think your content area makes efficient use of the space available. The page seems to expand horizontally, but it doesn't even take up half of my browsing window vertically. How about bigger left and white margins and a longer (vertically) content area? It's a lot easier to read many short lines than a few really long lines (which is the way it is now). Incidentally, you could probably fit the content that is there now without scrolling. [img]http://hwarang_.tripod.com/worldcup7.txt[/img] [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=270]Cell 270[/url]
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