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It at first appears rather simple. Then there is some more advanced things going on there. I am concerned about a couple of things. 1) Usability 2) Infringements on Copyrights Lets get into the usability issue first. You hide the scroll bar by using settings that colors of both aspects to black. Prolly done for artistic reasons, but the sacrifice of usability is just bothersome. The next issue is the onclick event for navigation which on 3 of the five links brings up a drop down yet on the other 2 it takes you to a page. Lets try for consistancy here. It is logical to make it scroll down on a mouse over even or at least give us some indication that we are in for a drop down type menu. Something like that. It just didn't work right for me. Didn't give me the correct vibe, and on top of that you give us that horrid scrolling thing again, without the scroll bar. That shows progress as well, so it makes it very important so we know where we are. It just doesn't work. So lets move onto this copyright infringement issue. I know I have seen some of those pictures somewhere else. If you were the one to take them props to you, good deal. If you paid for them or got permission to use them props to you for picking some extremly sexy ladies, you have IMO good taste. However, I find the about to be a little unlikely, and believe that you used them without permission, and are violating copyright stuff... not too cool. Might want to think about that one. If you have been laying in wait for a while on this board you would know we tend to not like that kind of thing. So on the whole. Pretty good site. Dark, very dark but it looks good. You might want to think of changing the colors to integrate with your javascript things, or maybe change the colors of your javascript things. Either or. You might want to think of using a "sexier" font, but that might be a hard one. I am not sure what system fonts would be "sexy", maybe do the titles by hand with photoshop to get them looking all sortsa sexy. Good job. See about the issues. Hopefully I helped and didn't hurt. [url=http://www.gurusnetwork.com] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/images/88x31/gurusnetwork.gif[/img] [/url]
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