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Hey dipshit.... open your fucking eyes please. You've made an attack on someone else's site while asking for a site review yourself..... simply because you didn't like what they were saying. Kindly remove your head from your ass. In your second post, you say... "I asked for a review"..... Yes... yes you did.... However... I might also add, that you said in your first post... "so id really appreaciate it if you guys picked on every tiny little point and where absolutly brutal so we can make this site look perfect" So if you want things picked apart... and you want brutality, don't fuckin' cry to mommy when you get it. I might also add... I didn't find Allweener's remarks all that "bashing". Let's break it down... shall we? Allewyn says... [b]"Is this a spin-off of the IWA? I've been an IWA member for some time. Thought that was where I was going..."[/b] [i]What does that tell you?[/i] That your site [b]immidiately[/b] reminds him of another site, and perhaps you should look into that further in order to see where differences and similarities lie, in order to create this site's own web identity. Allewyn says... [b]"Everyboby's doing angles these days, nothing new there. High contrast, nothing new there."[/b] [i]What does that tell you?[/i] Your site is nothing out of the ordinary. 9 year old children around the world are doing the same thing.... And doing it better. If this site were doing it better than the other 9 year old children, I'm confident in my mind-reading skills that Allewyn would have said so... but he did not.... and i'd have to agree.... it isn't. Allewyn says... [b]" [url=http://www.webwhirlers.com/colors/]http://www.webwhirlers.com/colors/[/url] This site could help you with color."[/b] [i]What does that tell you?[/i] Well, i find this one pretty much self-explainatory...... apparently you didn't get that memo. You griped that no constuctive criticism came from the post..... YET... I'd say a link to a little colour wheel of sorts, would be quite helpful. Allewyn isn't telling you how to fix your shit.... he's offering a place to help guide you through fixing part of your shit. Allewyn says... [b]"Your site has an upper resolution limit of some kind? It sat in the upper-left corner of my screen and wouldn't come down. Must be aligned left. Ah, frontpage. When you write your own HTML, try us again."[/b] [i]What does that tell you?[/i] You should look into making your site "liquid"...OR center it..... rather than having it all bunched up in the corner. (And as far as I know... Frontpage doesn't do too well in the cross-browser category... Soooo... I'd assume that Allewyn might slightly be refrencing that thought).. HOWEVER... i don't think that's what Allewyn is getting at.... I think he's saying.... learn to code your own shit, rather than relying on the likes of that rediculous program. So.... as i've said... remove your head from your ass. Do not request reviews.... and ask that people be nitpicky and brutal... and then turn around and insult their own site. I'm confident that you are not hearing the majority of what i'm saying, therefore, in the event you go running off to my site to bash it..... YES... It's only one page.... it only has one picture... and No... i don't plan on putting a damn thing up... Okay, thanks, buh-bye. Also.... YOU asked for this review.... We all realize that you did not create it... But i'd like to point out.... in your first post, you said... "Hello im a member of a Group called the Webmasters Guild and [b][i]we've[/i][/b]...." Yes... that's right.... You are claiming a bit of ownership to it, due to the fact that you are a member.... And you know what?.. we don't care about that.... [b]BUT[/b] when we go on about "YOUR site... this" .. and .. "YOUR site ... that" .... don't whine. And about your little comment when you edited your message.... I don't think it's wise to compare FRONTPAGE.... to PHOTOSHOP around this crew. That's a whole new animal waitin' to get out. Furthermore... when you said, "i dont intend to get in a flame war with you so how about you just lose the attitude"... You just started one. NOW.... [i]I[/i] don't mind the flame wars..... SO.. you've got a couple options...... a.) continue this bullshit with me in email, ICQ, or even right in this thread, if we must. b.) apologize to Allewyn. c.) go back to the hole you came from. Lastly... In the event that you don't return to the asylum.... do Doc the favor of not bad mouthing the place just cause you got in a little tiff with one of the resident assholes.... it's a great forum. Cheers, Michael
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