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*Waits for the smoke to clear* Well, first of all, my estimation of you went back up again quite a bit after reading your reply to Michael's criticism. At first I thought maybe you were being sarcastic, but then I realized you weren't. Impressive. We all like inmates who can take their medicine. :) Just a few comments (nothing new, just my take on the site). First of all, the scrolling kind of bugs me. Personally, I don't like mouseover scrollers, but maybe that's just because I'm spastic. People expect to have to click on something to get it to work, and it can be disorienting when the text flies off (and it does scroll rather quickly) like that. Speaking of the speed, what if that's too fast for some of your readers? You've left them with no other choice for navigating the text. Your scrollbar leaves out an important element: the bar itself. You know that block thingy that moves up and down the scrollbar? Well, it serves two purposes: 1) to give the user an alternate way of scrolling the text, and 2) to indicate how much of the total text currently appears on the screen. Oh, and having an end point to the scroll (as Michael mentioned) would be very helpful, too. Secondly, I want to emphasize something that me~ said about the navigation: stacking the navigation in one column on the left. As you probably know, most sites out there put their navigation on the left; it's become pretty standard. There is a reason to put the navigation on the right, though (and there are many sites that do this as well), and that is because it is closer to the scrollbar, which means less mouse movement back forth across the screen as you go from page to page. With your scrollbar being where it is (and split into two), there's not as much reason to have it on the right. Finally, pretty much everyone has pointed out the site's lack of fluidity. Make it liquid, or at least center it. (And now, a few words from our sponsor) People have certain expectations when surfing on the web. When you design contrary to those expectations, you need to ask yourself if your departure from convention has a good reason. If the benefits of the design outweigh the possible disorientation a user may feel, than go with it. If there are no real benefits (in your site, for example, the scrollbar), sticking with convention may be safer. That's just my personal philosophy. Take it for what it's worth. [img]http://hwarang_.tripod.com/suho1004_sig3.txt[/img] [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=270]Cell 270[/url]
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