OZONE Asylum
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Yeah, the layer is definitely too small on 1024x768--too much white space over on the right... I hate to say this, but if you want to have a scrollable area on the right you might be better off using frames. That way the scrollable area would fill the remainder of the page no matter what size the browsing area is. I personally hate frames, but for what you want to do here it might be the way to go (I'm guessing that the thumbnails on the right will bring up the pic on the left...). A lot of the original complaints about frames have been addressed since they were introduced, so they're not as bad as they used to be. And, despite my prejudice, I think that they can work if used properly. If you tried to do it with a layer it could get complex (translation: I can't help you there). Give frames a thought. Oh, and I agree with Hugh--making the bottom bar blue would be safe. Or you might want to pick a color from the artist's work (you might even consider only using colors from the artist's work for the site; this would probably give the site a very soft look, since you wouldn't have such dark blues or purples). The orange (peach?) background behind the picture looks like it might have come from the far rooftop on the left side of the street... and it works nicely, I think. [img]http://hwarang_.tripod.com/suho1004_sig3.txt[/img] [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=270]Cell 270[/url]
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