OZONE Asylum
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site for an artist
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Actually, I have now turned to frames on this site (I haven't published the frames version yet; it'll be up soon). I too have a long standing prejudice against frames, but you're right; they are perfect for this site. And yeah, they've come a long way. I know layers are supposed to work in Netscape, but they still act freaky when I use the Netscape browser I have at work (4.7). Frames work fine in that browser. You're right; I am sampling colors out of her pictures, and choosing the closest web safe version. Since she does the bright watercolors, I wanted to have a bright, fresh, colorful feel. The purple is actually sampled from a different painting than the one displayed. Most of her paintings have that purple in them, and she commented that Rio deJaneiro (sp?) is "a very purple place", so I wanted to include that as well. I'll get the other paintings up soon so that you can see it all. By the way, it sucks to try really hard to have clients and build your portfolio while also working a "day" job. I can't wait until site design is my "day" job.
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