OZONE Asylum
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I can't wait to see the other pics--the one you have up there now is great. She's obviously a very talented artist. Incidentally, purple happens to be my favorite color... now I want to go visit Rio de Janeiro! If I may make a suggestion about the colors... don't bother selecting the nearest "web safe" color (read [url=http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/00/37/index2a.html]this article[/url] for an interesting take on web safe colors). You'll be sacrificing a lot of the subtlety that makes the paintings so vibrant. Not that many people browse with only 256 colors anymore (check out the [url=http://www.thecounter.com/stats/2002/May/colors.php]color depth stats[/url] from thecounter.com). The way I see it, if a person is browsing with only 256 colors, the browser is going to wreak havoc with those paintings (try taking that painting into Photoshop and saving it with a web palette) and your colors anyway--why penalize those who can enjoy more colors by using only the web safe colors (which aren't going to exactly match the colors in the paintings)? This is just my two cents, of course, but given the subject, color is really important for your site. I say go for the gusto, and let the browsers take care of the 4% who only have 256 colors.
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