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Hmm, that's a tough one, nj. Maybe do away with the textures and pick a more interesting color scheme (as it is, it's monochrome, no life). Also, and it may just be me, by the font you use (not the text font, but the graphic font), looks a little cartoonish (and the part that says "where boredom and art combine" is a tad difficult to read). Once we get past the front page, we definitely run into problems with those textures. On your lightwave page, the background is a solid gray, and the textures are cut off rather suddenly. It's rather jarring. Also, you have no unique titles for your pages; they all just say "njuice." Maybe something like "njuice: history" or "njuice: photoshop." That brings up another point, too. The menu lists Photoshop, Lightwave, History, About Njuice, and E-mail Steve--but once you get into those pages it gets confusing. For example, at the top of the History page it says "About njuice," and at the top of the "About Njuice" page it says "About." The Lightwave page has no similar title, and only says "Misc. Artwork Gallery." Why the abbreviation? And, as I mentioned above, the layout is completely different from the other pages. As for the text of the titles, themselves, black is not a good color on this background. And because the font size is the same as the text, the titles are far less noticeable than the text itself. Maybe bigger and a lighter color? As for the code, it seems like pretty straightforward table-based HTML... not much to comment on there. The only things I would mention are page titles and perhaps changing the link colors. You really shouldn't have black text on this background, even if it is a visited link. Oh yeah, and instead of "E-mail Steve," how about "E-mail Me." I realize that you're Steve, but it gets a tad confusing when you consistently refer to yourself as Njuice and then start talking about some guy named Steve. Yeah, I know all your entries are signed Steve, but maybe you could change those to Njuice as well. Then you could just have a little blurb on your about Njuice page saying, "My name is Steve" if you really want to. Whoa. That was unexpected. Sorry for that deluge of criticism, man. I just typed stuff as it came to me. I hope it's not too much. I do like the site, I was just trying to find problem areas... [img]http://hwarang_.tripod.com/suho1004_sig3.txt[/img] [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=270]Cell 270[/url]
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