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White stars scattered around next to white text looks very ugly. I recommend you remove the stars entirely, or at least try that and see what it looks like. Removing the stars will also make the jpeg compression look much cleaner. *Definitely* remove the stars on the sidebar on the left. it looks very unclean. Once you've done that, work on the .gif transparency so that it fades evenly into the background (with antialiasing) before becoming transparent. You're using some sort of photoshop bevel filter on many of the images. Honestly, that filter is ugly. Flat shapes would be better. If you like the 3D look, try creating it yourself, or at least use a *different* filter, like lighting effects or something ( [url=http://www.handson.nu]www.handson.nu[/url] has some good lighting effects tutorials). Finally, you're using the default font, I believe. Use some CSS and specify a different font. A simple font. Arial will do, maybe Verdana, perhaps Georgia, I'm not sure. Just not Times =) And make your hyperlinks the same font size as the text around them. "Page Best Viewed at 800x640 with IE5.0+" -> "800 x 600" you mean? This comment should probably be removed; it makes you look bad. If the page looks bad on someone's browser, they'll be able to see that themselves - with that comment there, *everyone* knows it, even IE users =)
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