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Good: I think your splash is fine. I really dig the "m-box". I think it's cute and it makes the scrollbar look like it's part of the design. Bad: 1) The white text on yellow bg is hard to read. 2) The buttons on the side have the same color problem added to the fact that the name on the button changes before I click. That's confusing. Suggestions: 1) See how you used a slightly transparent grey box around the track name in the m-box? use that again on all the other text boxes on the main page to A: add consistency and B: increase legibility. I realize that it will be impossible to make a background for those table cells that would match up with the grid you have there already, so go ahead and use something completely different! Try bubbles for instance, just to throw out ideas.. like [url=http://www.fusedeffects.com/Latest/Erik.htm]this page! This page is perfect! pretty yellow ANND readable text[/url] 2) Take out just a few pixels from the bottom of that yellow grid BG. I can see where the lines beside the numbers on the right side squish together in one place, and there's a tiny gap between the numbers there too. Easy fix. 3) If you really want to include the title of the place each button is going to, you could always write it on top or bottom of the button.. [edit] oop... you're links are also the same color as regular text.. That's a big no-no.. [/edit] Right. I'm sorry we're all butchering your site KARN. It looks great, and with a little help it can be something you'll be proud of in your later years. [url=http://www.osysi.net] [img]http://www.osysi.net/files/sigs/bmud_greatwall.gif[/img] [/url] [b]Shine and shine.[/b] [This message has been edited by Bmud (edited 07-29-2002).]
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