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[b]** Updates **[/b] [url=http://kubrick.cdes.qut.edu.au/~n2643235/KIB802/music_response/index.html]Twilight Muse[/url] - Fixed the loading screen and made it look a little better. - Added a progress Bar to the Loading Screen - Changed the browser requirments to version 5+ browsers (Oprea 6) - Added a stripped down non spec HTML 4.0 version for NN4 and Opera 5. - Browsers get re-directed automagically. - Re-Compressed the music. I got it down under 400k! Which is pretty good to 5+ mins. - Fixed the audio control so Mozilla and Opera users can now play the music. - Fixed a Box Model Bug for Moailla. - Fixed a menu bug where one of the main options would stay highlighted after a pop-up was viewed - Fixed a menu bug for Opera where the options would become indefinatly highlighted or disabled. - Snipped off another 30k or so by compressing the images again. I'm still having display issues though. I can't seem to figure out why oprea is buggering up the witdh of the content divisions for the 'verbiage' and 'copyright' sections. I'm also geting a scroll bar in IE and Mozilla when there isn't enough content to justify it being there. I'm not too worried about this one but the only browser to get it right is Opera 6... go figure. I've also left the main images being displayed in pop-up windows. I was thinkihng about displaying them with in-line DIV's but that would push the required resolution to 1024x768 and I didn't want to do that. Waht are your thoughts on this.. Better to go with a cleaner display method and min 1024 screen res or should I just leave it the way it is? If you run into any problems please let me know. I'd love for someone to Mac test it but I can do this myself on Monday. I'd also like to hear from other dial-up users. I hope the loading times aren't tooo long. Anyways, a big thanks to everyone who's commented so far.
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