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zerominuszero.net -- now with more beef heart flavoring!
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Well, you've got it down to around 170k for the front page and all the images but that's still 30+ seconds for a healthy 56k connection... around 40+ seconds for an average connection.... Most people will wait that long but they won't be "too" happy about it. Since it's just a place to hang your photos I wouldn't worry about it too much. However, if you were trying to plug your design skills from that site then I'd have resaon to be more concerned about it. Still, you seriously need to fix how your serving the mages from the gallery pages. Currently your color gallery page weighs in at around 550k! And that's with only 4 photo's at 400px by 271px with really tiny thumbs. I'm betting you didn't compress these at all cause each image is around 150k each, close to the size of your entire front page. Now, lets say you'll one day have a page there with 20+ photos on it. 150k per photo + 8k per thumbnail + 35k for the interface graphics: 158x20+35 = 3195k... about 3 meg. Even a broadband user you hit a wall on that one, but you'd be looking at around a 25 min wait for a 56k user... So yah, fix dat. [This message has been edited by Dracusis (edited 08-23-2002).]
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