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zerominuszero.net -- now with more beef heart flavoring!
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you kids are being too nice, sheesh. jk: actually i've still got an online journal thing... no comments allowed though. i mean, if i'm talking about things as base and pointless as what sort of cereal i had for breakfast the last thing i want to hear is what they think about that. and what's this so-called opera you speak of? netscape barely has a large enough market share to keep my interest... good thing it's my primary browser. jeni: thanks for the heads up on the link to the main page. i mean, there actually is one -- click "zerominuszero.net" -- but a few people have had problems finding it so i'll work out a new solution in the near future. for b/w i use ilford delta 400, whether it be 35mm (the horizontal pictures) or 120 (the square photos). i used to mess around with kodak's t-max and tri-x a lot but ended up using ilford film because i like the results better. mobs: yeah... my pictures of reno make me think of reno too, ha! i'll stick with your js solution because i like it. plus out of all my access points to the net the slowest i have is dsl so i'm not sketched on d/l times. adam: the space will be used more wisely as images are added. my older negatives are back home in oregon right now, i'm on holiday in nevada until next month. i doubt i'd put up old pictures anyway even though there are a few worth rescanning. thanks again for the input y'all folks offered. i'll work on implementing most of the ideas when i get a chance... fsckin slave drivers. edit: who cares. [This message has been edited by mikey milker (edited 08-16-2002).]
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