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zerominuszero.net -- now with more beef heart flavoring!
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Yep. They've been too nice. =) * As has been mentioned....holy fuck it took forever to download (just over 3 minutes....). For what is there to look at, 3 minutes so absurdly long that I had to reload the page to make sure something hadn't messed up and left itself out.... but it sure says "done" down there on the status bar....(talking about the front page here, of course). * The background image(s) is interesting, but again - content vs. size? Yikes. There are countless ways to minimize the file size on such simplistic imagery. * The typography leaves a lot to be desired. The main page title isn't so bad, but would probably look better all one size, or with more emphasized variation (one or the other...). The 'fotografiks' bit just comes across as cheesy. It is also visually confusing to have such prominently colored text in the back, and such dull dreary text in front. Leaves us with the text on the links to the sections. Well, not much to say. Nothing special, nothing too bad. But combined with the other 2 negatives..... * The WHITE. Why so much? Why so much atttention to the imagery in the foreground and then leave it just hanging against the white? leaves a very incomplete look, as if you somply didn't finish working on the page. * No flexibility.....and yet so little actually there. It would be so easy to design a site of this type to be flexible in regard to screen size, especially with so little content. It just doesn't make sense. * The photographs themselves are quite nice. I've always been fond of your photographs. I would recommend letting each large version of the photo load when asked for rather than all at once though. So...that's my take, in a nutshell. Take it or leave it. =) [url=http://in-dented.com/sigs.html] [img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/indentsig.gif[/img] [/url]
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