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Patrick: I didn't see a splash screen :( Pos. a good thing though. Some quick thoughts: 1. Your site's width seems contsrained by the dimensions of your banner graphic. Try doing something like making that background into a tiled one for the rest of the top of the screen. 2. Those rollovers cause the menu to jump (at least in IE/Win - I suspect other browsers might cope with that) and it needs to be addressed (I presume its not intentional ;) 3. I think my real problem is the colours: a) Black on white is too harsh a contrast - esp. when done with white text on a black background - try mixing in some off black and white. b) That flourescent lime green could be one of my least favourite colours ever (it clashes with my eyes :p) - the solution might be a more drastic makeover. I like that streaked, light green background to the logo you could try a couple of things: (i) User the colour picker to grab a few of those colours and see if a light green background works (I'm not sure). (ii) Try using a horizontally striped background on the page and then put your content in (pos. slightly opaque) boxes over this (with CSS you can tile horizontally and set it to repeat). Both ideas are the kind that you'd need to try to see if they worked - but I would look into using a light background colour or pattern. Hmmm not a lot else there. So basically I like your logo (and that background texture) and I think you should look into incorporating more of it into your site design - if the background doesn't work try using it for your bars instead of that green. Interesting start with plenty of potential and I'm interested to see where you take it. ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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