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Well, at first glance, I don't see much to comment on. I like the color scheme--it has a nice feel and is appropriate to the subject. After looking at it for a while, though, there are a few things that nag at me. First off, you'll want to correction "Misson" to "Mission" (that was an easy one). Second, I'm not sure if I like the menu, especially the bullets. You already have the page split up by the red lines into three very clear areas: title, menu, and content. I'm not sure that you need the bullets on top of that; it might look cleaner without them. You also might want to make the menu text bigger; sitting right beneath the very large title and to the left of the large subtitle "Mission Statement," the small menu text really gets lost. Which brings up another point: mission statement? If you're a company, I might understand having a mission statement, but for this to be the first thing I see on an art gallery page... it just rubs me the wrong way. It totally kills the feeling of "art" I was getting from the color scheme and turns the site into a political statement. Not that I have any problem with the content of the mission statement, I would just couch it differently. Let's take the first paragraph, for example: [quote]The mission of the Art Gallery in the Student Activities Center is to present a cross-cultural perspective of the arts to the Stony Brook community. Each exhibition's goal is to present diversity in the form of cultural awareness, in providing an understanding of a variety of art forms, and to educate our audience through the arts experience of viewing original artwork. The exhibitions are planned to present issues on a broad range of social, recreational, educational and cultural themes to foster an collaborate with the aims of Stony Brook University. We aim to present the work of outstanding artists regardless of race, creed, color, sex, or country of origin.[/quote] This copy strikes me as being one step removed from where you want to be. Compare: "The mission of the Art Gallery... is to present...." with "The Art Gallery presents...." "Each exhibition's goal is to present...." with "Each exhibition presents...." "The exhibitions are planned to present...." with "The exhibitions present...." "We aim to present the work...." with "We present the work...." See what I mean? Don't tiptoe around what you want to say, go straight at it. Also, you might look into some synonyms for "present"--it crops up in each sentence in that first paragraph. At any rate, now that we've removed "mission" from the paragraph, we can remove it from the title. Why do you need "Mission Statement" under "About the Art Gallery"? Just make it "About the Art Gallery" and you're good to go. Final thoughts: the two icons at the bottom of the menu are kind of jarring--they don't seem to fit in. Design-wise, I guess the menu makes me the most uncomfortable. Content-wise, I would recommend you think about your copy and what you want it to convey. Remember that your message is not just what you say, but how you say it. Sorry to take up so much space here talking about that. [img][/img] [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=270]Cell 270[/url]
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