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Ah, no control over content, eh? That must be annoying. If I were designing the site, I would make sure that the tagline read something like "designed by..." and "content by..."--just to distance myself from that insipid copy. :D 60+ year old spaced out of her mind woman? So there's not much hope, is there? Well, I suppose you can take comfort in the fact that it's out of your hands. Logos... hmmm. That's a rough one, definitely. Do they have to go in the menu, though? What about having them along the bottom of the page? That way they would be outside the main area and wouldn't clash as much with the design. At least the colors don't clash--looking at the logos now, I'm getting the impression that the site colors may have been dictated by the Student Activities Center logo. Code: Well, I'm not a code expert, but I didn't notice any glaring problems in your code. One thing I would suggest, though: make your stylesheet external and link to it. This will help when you start getting more pages--it'll be a lot easier to make changes too.
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