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We moved your post to the proper forum. Look at me, being a moderator or something. NOW...to the review...and I find myself lacking for words. What does that tell you, buddy? That's right, there's not much there for me to review. You know I enjoy simple sites. Hell, simple is generally vastly superior to complicated designs. However, in this case, I want to see more. You're POV-Ray GOD over there, and you're showing us only one image of any repute, and three little icons per update? Oh, how the tides have turned. I remember that apocryphal front page you once had, with the layers flying all over the place, making my browser eat it's own feet... Those were the good old days. Don't misunderstand me, the design is solid. Perhaps pulling the slime image over into other places. Like, say, rather than just in the top-left corner, make a watermarked one down in the bottom right to give the page flow. At 1600x1200, it's predominantly empty. This will, of course, change as you get more content to put in there, but you understand my concern. I really don't like the green you've chosen for the header background. It's fine, because it falls into the cyan/blue/water scheme you've built, but it's a little too institutional for my tastes. Perhaps you could pick something that has a little more power behind it? Perhaps something with a background that would fill you with joy? Just something to make the headers pop a little more than a simple bold black on light-green. I'm having issues with the link colors on the left. Perhaps it's my eyes, but they seem a little too light to be read on the white background. Drop it down 30% or so towards black. That might make everything happier. Other than that, it's nice to see you have something somewhere. It's about fuckin' time, yo. [url=http://miscminutiae.com]s t e p h e n[/url]
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