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What I mean is: aside your homepage, and the images page, everything else is scripts, or ancient versions of the site, or a mailto link. Scripts have colored bgs, old pages have different styles, the only consistent pages, the only new things (although I noticed improvements on most of your pages) are the home and image pages. Ok, there is the Slimie, but aside that, I think the topics lack a specific logo, or something to keep them coherent with the rest. To me, it's a bunch of Slime's pages gathered together, not a site... Sorry Slime, don't get me wrong, as I said I like your stuff, and I 100% understand the pain it is to find free time for Asylum duties, but there should be something to let me know I'm in Slime's lair. Example: the Ozone. Mostly, a grey/Orange color scheme, if that can't be found, explicit logos are apparent on Doc's pages and make a sort of "guideline". In your case, Cyan/white would be better than Cyan only, and Slime (the blue one) is a star, but it should "be", or "have" a logo to let me know I'm in his home on each and every page.
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