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Yeah, I like that idea as well. I can't really offer a review for the page as you see it since I am running opera. What I can say, is that there is a large gap between your navigation and your content. Your scripts are broken in that the menu drops down then jitters like crazy. The page could use some type of liquid design in that, I have it all scrunched to the left hand side of my browser window. The page also seems rather simple, it could do with something going on in it. I don't really see it pulling my attention. Throw in some imagry or something. It needs a bit of work. I think you could make it work, just more time and more fine detail. Above and beyond that, your code should be standards compliant. I am sure you could get rid of all those crazy tables and use some div tags. It is much easier to design for standards compliance than not, all that time you spend hacking those tables togeather could be spent just working on the style sheet. Good luck. [url=http://www.gurusnetwork.com] [img]http://www.sinc.stonybrook.edu/Stu/dcurran/siggy_004.gif[/img] [/url]
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