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The first thing that jumps at me on this site is the colour scheme. I like it, yes..... but I almost don't like it, at the same time. I can't seem to put my finger on what exactly is the issue with it, is. Perhaps it needs something else.... another colour worked in through the seams to smooth things out. ... I'll think on that more. The logo/header is boring..... especially considering the amount of space that is available along the top portion of the screen. The search box is left hangin' on it's own, as it expands with the front page, but the content does not. How very annoying. You've got two animations going on, on the front page, and frankly... most visitors don't give a shit about either one. Some people may be interested in the pakranks thing.... but I don't suspect the population to be large.... SO... if you [i][b]have[/i][/b] to have that on your site..... toss it to the side... and toss it to the bottom. The other animation..... your "link me" button would seem completely out of place, as it is just thrown into the mix somewhere towards the center of the page, as if to say.... "look at me!.. look at me!.... here's my link!". But in reality... here's how it breaks down..... and it's quite simple. * If people want to link you.... They'll find a way to link you, without you having to slap them in the face with some irritating animation. * Most sites that use buttons to link to other sites, set up a link area to house (correct me if I'm wrong) buttons that are 88x31. So if you're looking to get some simple sites to help "pimp out" yours..... time to re-think your button idea. This may be an instance where conformity is the best policy. It took me a few passing looks all over the page to understand how this worked. You've got a bar menu going across the whole page.... (and I think you need to add a couple more pixels of space between each one)..... And you also have a menu of sorts going down the left side of the page.... ... that all seems to be a bit much. The left side menu is constant... just as the page-spanning menu.... but you've made no attempt to emphasize that to the visitor. People browsing the net are stupid fucking morons.... so slap that shit in their face a little bit and let them know.... [b]HEY! WE GOT A FUCKIN MENU OVER HERE![/b] <-- that's emphasis. Right now, as it stands... there's far too much text scrunched together for a site lacking a centerpiece of content. 5 columns?... that's just silliness. Want to cut that down into a more sensible solution?.... here... * widen and side bar that menu on the left... and bold up, or slightly size up the text. (in doing this... you may have to beef up the page-spanning menu as well, to keep balance) * add the weekly poll to the left side bar that you've now created... and slip the Pakranks logo below the poll.... (out of sight... out of mind).. don't let it steal the visitor's eyes from your content before they've read your content..... Allow them to scroll down before seeing the animation. * Move the shoutbox over to the right side of the screen... and move all of the content that's in the column with "status", underneath the shoutbox. At the moment you've just got a slew of useless information trying to hog the spotlight.... So keep the useless shit together in some columns on the sides.. and let the real content show though. * Now that we've done away with columns 2 and 3 completely.... take the "link me" and the "random link" thing... and move that over underneath the content from the shit in the "status" column of info. Rearranged now...... the far right side of the page should go like this..... -shoutbox -status -listening... feeling... reading..thinking.. -link me -random link So now that we've cleaned up the joint.... let's look at the content on the front page... Oh wait... there is no content on the front page. As a user and a visitor to your website..... what have you offered me as an explaination to your mark on the internet?.. absolutely nothing. For example..... if i hit up your site because i was using a search engine... and i just happened to click your link..... What would make me stay?... Do you have anything that makes me want to stay? The answer is no. All I get on the front page is a lack of explaination of the website...... and some pull quotes of you pimping out how much other sites enjoy your site. .... forgive me if i don't leap out of my skin with enthusiasm. ah well... i'm tired of typing... and i've got some other shit to do. those are [i]some[/i] of my thoughts.
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