OZONE Asylum
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grats42: Now this is an interesting one. I know its easier to review something where there are clear problems but your design isn't terrible it is just lacking........ something. Some thoughts that might help add the undefinable quality that I can't really name: 1. I'd make the design liquid to take advantage of wider screen resolutions - things will always feel a little cramped and so grab all the space you can. 2. That menu bar looks cramped so (as wellas point 1) I'd also think about trimming it down to a few essentials and then put some at the bottom of the page (faqs, contact, advertising). 3. The colours are a little flat. That mustardy yellow is OK (where's Michael when you need an opinion on a yellow? ;) ) and I presume they are company colours but things look a little murky and that might be partly due to aliasing on you graphic's text. It probably needs another colour to pick things up and add a little extra highlighting. Try running those colours through ZOX's Colour Wizard. 4. Make more use of the righthand column for extra features and extra navigation (possibly to things you've removed fom the point 1 or put that survey there). 5. The structure seems to get a little flabby in the middle. Get a few boxes or dividing lines to help get some division and structure back into the centre area. 6. Get that JavaScript inside the HEAD tags and try and make as much of that JavaScript external as possible. 7. Add a DOCTYPE and the encoding metatag. 8. I feel that there is too much use of CAPS. 9. Make the links to the external JavaScript and CSS relative ones so they cache. Overall it is OK but it should grab me and its not. I suspect a play with the colours and a restructuring should work nicely but you should also look at the competition to see what they are doing and see if you can get any ideas from them ;) ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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