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Hmm... yes. Why is the first site there? Did you design it? The first thing that jumped out at me was how the title graphics stole the Google color scheme (same color order and all). Not that the color sequence is copyrighted, but it will remind people of Google... I suppose that's the idea? The second page appears to be a Shell page... fairly clean, not much to critique. The one thing that does kind of bug me is the dotted underline under the links. I would either stick with a solid line or no line at all (since the text is a different color and reacts to being hovered over anyway), since the dotted line is a) often associated with acronyms and b) makes the page look a bit messier, in my opinion. Also, as NoJive pointed out, the translation engine is pitiful. If you really want to offer an English version of the site, hire a Malaysian-English translator. Being a translator myself, I know the importance of this. If you stick with the engine, you may be able to make English-speaking visitors laugh, but I guarantee they're not going to read through much of your content. I'm not going to offer any more in the way of critique because you weren't too clear on what the pages were and what you wanted from us. Maybe a little more info?
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