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OK, this is a weird request, but I would like to get a review of this site, *not* designed by me. This is actually the main competitor to my current client, and he's heard so many nifty good things about the Asylum crew, he asked me to get your feedback on the competitions website. I of course have my own opinions about what they've done, good bad and otherwise, but I'd like for you to look and help me answer some of these questions. Did they do anything so "Oh! My god!" really right? Did they do anything so "Oh! My god!" really bad? In terms of concept and execution, what was your overall impression? Would you spend tens of thousands to buy one of these things? (Custom made fishtanks, that is. Huge monsters they are.) If so, why; if not, why? Now, since I'm building the site that is going to make this one look sad and sorry (hopefully), what does it lack that I should use on my site? What have they done right that I should do, but even better? Like I said earlier, I have my own opinions on what the other guys did, but I realize that I'm *not* an unbiased judge! I'll be sending my client to this thread, and he's heard all about your insight and brilliance, so try and be as honest and clear as you can, cool? Thanks in advance for your help on this somewhat unusual request! Here's the urls... Critique this site please! => [url=http://www.livingcolor.com/]http://www.livingcolor.com/[/url] This is my clients current website => [url=http://www.seavisions.com/]http://www.seavisions.com/[/url] This is the web I'm building for him => [url=http://seavisions.dreamhost.com/]http://seavisions.dreamhost.com/[/url] It would make sense if you could to try and answer any of the same questions I asked for both his current website, and also the shell I have online at the dreamhost address. Help me make our site better! Your pal, -doc- [url=http://www.ozones.com/] [img]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/examples/ozoneSIGc.gif[/img] [/url]
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