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[b]Their bad stuff[/b] Their logo, name and color scheme all conspire to make me think this is a website for a paint store. the spectrum would look nice on a black background. Their tanks don't. FrontPage applets for navigation. Hopefully this not only bites them in their butts but chews chunks out Their graphics are hideous on all counts, jaggie, compressed with wrong formats, picture gallery stuffs land on white backgrounds with no way to nav back. Yucky frames, no reason for them here, they're just easy to do in FrontPage I guess, lotta FP users seem to use frames. [b]Their good stuff[/b] Their tanks! They're beautiful. The professional photography is great (the compression, formatting and layouts, another story) Tons of content! I reckon this site is probably a search engine magnet [b]Doc[/b] It goes without saying that your site is blowing their current and their competitor's away, hands down. To round this out you're gonna need stuff from your client to match [b]Their good stuff[/b]. I see plenty of fantastic content and photography on the current seavisions site (which is obviously ready for an update :D), hopefully you can do some wonders with placing it, using the proper keywords in the proper places and getting it to be a bit more of a search engine friendly place. More keyword riddled content is a must. One thing I saw on their site was a 'find a live display near you' thing. Nevermind the table it was in was hideous circa 1996, the idea is awesome, Doc could work in some dynamic db searching stuff to make this sort of thing more user friendly and comprehensive. The 'secured projects' area they have sounds like a goodie. People might like to look at the building of their tanks in progress. The future looks bright for Seavisions I think ;) Jason
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