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InI: I suppose the big issue is that some people really don't like Flash - our FAQ: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/446/]How do I completely disable or uninstall the Flash player?[/url] is the second most visited FAQ: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/mostvisited.php]http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/mostvisited.php[/url] and might actually be gaining ground on the free sig hosting after a slow start ;) The introduction of Flash ads is a real factor in this backlash I'm afraid. So I would hate to think that a site would loose any customers because as the page is loading they Flash nagging at them to upgrade their player and they hit the back button. Or they have disabled or uninstalled Flash and the whole logo doesn't display - rather spoiling the effect (and possibly putting people off). Its a nice effect and I agree with Suho it is one of the most nicely done, subtle bits of Flash out there but is it worth potential lost sales? I'm not sure - that is after all the Doc's call and thats just my side of the coin ;) I still think it would look good as just a graphic really and as vp has suggested the constant movement could distract people from the meat of the page. Also about this: [quote] nowadays, in webdesign, Flash improves productivity (10 minutes in Flash vs 3 hours in dhtml). [/quote] This better not be a sign from you that you are less enamoured of DHTML as the world would be a duller place without your DHTML and DHTML expertise :( [edit: typos] ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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