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OK, I've only read a part of what was said, that way I can give my own judgment. [b]Living Color[/b] Don't like the logo. The type is boring. Nothing really special about it. The little "swooshy" thing doesn't really fit. Colors I mean. The name doesn't fit well either. If they sell really fancy smancy fish tanks, the name "LivingColor" doesn't go. [b]Front Page[/b] The front page is boring and looks cheap. The picture they used is not a good one and could use a little Photoshop magic. The menu system that they have looks very 80's. All the links at the top makes it look top heavy and there is no balance to the page. The rollovers don't help this matter in the least. And niether does the border they have around that groovy fish tank. They have the "Best Viewed" in there which really annoys me. If I have to have a certain size to view the site, if I don't, I might just move on and find someone else that sells this product. Loosing business can not be good. [b]Gallery[/b] That scrolling marquee stuff has got to go. This is not the stock market and I don't like things moving around if I am trying to concentrat on the matter at hand which is the product. If they are going to use bookmarks for the sections, I would put in a "Back to Top" for the user. I don't really care for book marks anyway. Nor do I like frames. It makes it hard for me to add to favorites when I want to refer back to a specific tank. When you click on one of the tanks to take a closer look, the background is white and it makes the tanks look cheap. Well, the rest of the pages, really look the same. So, I won't ramble on about the bad stuff anymore. I really don't like the site at all (Living Color that is). Nothing really jumps out and says "Hey, this is cool. I'd buy from these guys." The only thing that would sell me on this is the product itself. Which they didn't do a very good job of presenting. With a business site, I would have to say that presentation is the key. Kind of like when you go out to eat. Presentation is 65% of the meal. If it looks really good, then it is going to tast that much better. On the [b]Seavisions[/b] side, I would have to agree with Draciuss. The font is kind of messy on my box too. Later, C:\ [b]~Binary is best~[/b]
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