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Ok, a lot of points have been made, so I'll try to keep this brief - "living color" - Right away that logo just screams 'ugly' at me. Right after that, those rollovers make me just about gag. Then the beautiful photo of the Aquarium loads, and 'oooooh, that's cool'. Then I see 'best viewed at 1024x768'. Why? What is there that needs that much space?? So I click (why am I entering the site that I just..uh...entered?) Oh, great frames....and, they're set only to accomodate 1024 or higher. Eck. **if not before this point, I would have left this website at this point and found a dealer who had the forsight to have a well designed page** Ok, seavisions.com - HSBOD!! Ack. Big gaudy background image that's not properly set! Weird images across the center that....aren't quite lined up right....?? Ok, right about now, I'm thinking "13 year old with a Geocities account" and I'm not wanting to buy anything there either... =) However, the photos do draw me in....so I'll look around a bit and stomach the ugly. The navigation is a bit confusing though....so it takes a while ;) Ok, so yours Doc - Right away - wow, beautiful logo. *love* it. Pretty quick re-direct, hardly noticable, not annoying as some can be. Page loads, and rather quickly, and again...wow. Nice. Eh....funky moving thing at the top....don't like that. A static image of the same would carry as much allure and not get annoying or distracting (and leave out the possible flash problems...). Funny - I move the mouse over the top button, and nothing happens. As I move down the menu, a slight rollover effect becomes more pronounced with each successive button. Very Odd. A more consistant and obvious effect would be much nicer. Menu movement itself is fantastic - smooth, quick, precise. Lovely menu setup all in all. Content area - I am tempted to say that such a confined 'box' may not be enough for the content, but *really* need to see the content in place to be able to judge. So, to boil it down: Living Color: Bad design, bad functionality, bad *approach* period. Only postive thing: Nice photo on front page. Screams "I've never done this before!" Current Sea Visions: Bad design. Functionality is ok, but navigation extraordinarily difficult. Cries for update. Doc's Seavisions: *Beautiful* design and functionality. Very intuitive navigation. Need to see content. [url=http://in-dented.com/sigs.html] [img]http://in-dented.com/sigs/indentsig.gif[/img] [/url]
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