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Doc: Three reviews in one - we should get paid more but I love a challenge. [b]Living Color[/b] 1. First problem from a marketing front is that the name doesn't say aquarium to me although I see where they are coming from (it does however remind me of a band I've not listened to in well over 5 years). 2. I noticed the Java applet sign pop up in my system tray which made my heart sink and lo and behold one of my number one errors: making the top navigation in Java (doing it in Flash is also a bad idea if the rest of the page isn't Flash). I once visited a site and had no idea why I couldn't find any navigation - it was only when I went back (using another computer with the Java player installed) that I realised what they had done. I had my fingers crossed that the rest of the site would have ordinary navigation but it wasn't to be. 3. The rollover effect is ugly and distracting and hardly worth using Java for. 4. I'd want that large graphic on the front page to be much crisper - is it me or does it look lke there are jaggies. 5. No DOCTYPE. 6. Poor use of keyword metatags. 7. Sloppy code: [quote] <div align="center"> <center> [/quote] 8. Poor use of CSS and the FONT tag sneaks in: [quote] <p class="MsoNormal" align="justify" style="margin-top: -1; margin-bottom: -1"><font color="#C0C0C0" face="Arial"> [/quote] 9. The Enter Living Color site' would make me wonder what site I was actually on. 10. Logo is really poor - very jaggy. 11. Frames :( If the Java hadn't killed any possibility of having search engines index the site then the frames would. Ironically the Java navigation ruins any chance of the frames being used properly and it reloads the whole page not just the frame. 12. The scrolling things at the top is poorly done and poinless. 13. The first page of the main site is overly long. You really need to sell yourself here. So your questions: Did they do anything so "Oh! My god!" really right? - nothing Did they do anything so "Oh! My god!" really bad? - yes a lot of things. Overall the site is poorly put together (bordering on the amateur) with shockingly bad decisions at nearly every stage and nearly all the graphics are low quality. It would certainly not give me the feeling that I'd want to buy an aquarium from them. OK next the old design from the site you are working on............ ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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