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Doc, I had a quick look at the sites, and I think that as far as web design concerns the new site you are creating and the Living Color site are in whole different divisions. Your site is much more attractive in every way. However, being a web designer myself I might be a bit more picky than most web users, and though the Living Color certainly does not have any "wow" factor to it, it is not horrible. I've seen worse. I'd probably give it a D for design and a B for the content. The feelings the design conveys to me is more of "home made" rather than "exclusive, I would not mind spending a few thousands at this company". The worst part from a design perspective is probably that it is optimized for a higher resolution screen, and the horrible quality of the logo. The best part is the pictures - those tanks looks beautiful - though the pics. could be used in a much better way. (and be optimized!) Can't wait to see your site with some beautiful tank pictures added. As for the old SeaVision site... it is not very good... but I am sure you already know that :) that's all I have time for for now... sorry I wasn't very elaborate.
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