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OK I can't access the current seavisions page - I'll try again later. [b]New seavisions site[/b] 1. I like the colours you are using but the range is possibly too wide for that black text to work on that dark blue. 2. It is a nice rollover effect but. at the other end of the 'spectrum' the light blue makes the rollover look odd for the top set of links (this goes for the sub menus too). 3. Its an interesting Flash effect but I wonder if the effect compensates for the fact that it will nag people to upgrade and not show for people trying not to use Flash. This could put some people off immediately and ruin the branding (and design) if people couldn't see it. 4. Coding is tight (as we would expect) but the mix of upper and lower case for the tags need fixing. Really nice minimal use of tables - should keep things light and quick to display. 5. It is completely lacking in metatags. 6. Really nice JavaScript. 7. You are loading the pages in using an iframe which (although I haven't tested it in anything other than IE6/Win) might suggest that other browser might have problems with that. 8. I would also use OBJECT as well as EMBED on that Flash. 9. Ah now unless you have something clever up your sleeve (always a possibility) I suspect that dynamic loading of the pages, whilst slick and quick, could prove very problematic with search engines and I would be concerned that none of the content would be indexed and by not loading a new page you can't take advantage of useful structural elements like title. 10. Not much content so I can't really comment on that. So your questions: Did they do anything so "Oh! My god!" really right? - yes: colours, clean professional look, just enough DHTML to increase the interactve nature of things without seeming too much like a 'toy' Did they do anything so "Oh! My god!" really bad? - yes: The range of colours needs narrowing, the Flash header could be a little off putting and the dynamic loading of the pages could really destroy your search engine rankings.. Overall (although a WIP and lacking enough content to get an adequate grip on some aspects) the site looks really good and works very nicely giving a much more professional air while not seeming too informal (most business sites are distinclty cold and uninviting). Would I buy an aquarium from them? Its a little difficult to say but if they are similar to the ones on the other site (which are just about the only thing that I liked about the other site) then I would certainly be tempted if the content is presented in an easy to digest form. As the user would view and interact with the site (if it works on a cross-browser way) it is a really great piece of work its just some of the technical aspects that concern me. It is really great work. I'll have a look at the old version of the site when I can but if you want a quick compare and contrast then this site is heads and shoulders above the competitor's (its not really much of a contest) but it may suffer a similar fate at the hand of search engines. ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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