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Ah right the original sea visions site has popped up so here goes: [b]Original seavisions[/b] 1. Pretty poor layout, colour scheme and graphics (the animated earth, for example) on the main page (which pretty much goes for the rest of the site). 2. However, the aquarium pictures look much better than the Living Color ones. 3. Music on the gallery page? 4. No-one needs those kind of instructions: [quote] If you do not see all of the photo without scrolling left or right click here In order to best experience our photo gallery please use Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or Higher. Resolution 1024 X 768 works best. Follow link below to get Real Player 8 Basic for free so you can watch videos of aquariums. Down Load RealPlayer 8 Basic [/quote] and why RealPlayer? I can't see a reason for it and the site certainly doesn't explain why. 5. Keywords but no description (or abstract) metatags. 6. Poor coding (FrontPage again?) - the use of BLOCKQUOTE, FONT and the massive use of non-breaking spaces and P tags for spacing give me The Fear. 7. The use of more conventional navigation and of HTML structural tags would tend to make this design appear the most likely to work in all browsers and get indexed fully by search engines (this might just be a legacy of its late 20th century design ;) ). 8. The layout is really loose with images and text floating around in space except for some bad use of tables. 9. There is no consistent navigation or feel through the site. So your questions: Did they do anything so "Oh! My god!" really right? - a more 'conventional' navigation and structure make the site easy to get into and look around. Did they do anything so "Oh! My god!" really bad? - nothing outrageous - the design is just dated. Overall the site is pretty amatuer looking (and feeling) but the aquariums are easily accessed and the site is fairly easy to navigate. Would I buy an aquarium from them? Possibly not - they do look good but I just wouldn't feel I trusted a company with that kind of site. I'll do a quick comparison: Basicaly as I've said the Living Color site is poor but it is packed with content and information it is just poorly presented (and potentially inaccessible). Your design combined with the content in the old seavisions site have the potential to produce a very impressive site indeed and throw in some 'sticky' features (like those JKMabry managed to dig out of the Living Color site and I'm sure some even better ones) and it could really be going somewhere :) I would also thank you for lettng us have a peak at this as a work in progress as it has been very interesting and enlightening. [edit: and I've probably missed things so I'll drop them in at a later date] ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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