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Did they do anything so "Oh! My god!" really bad? Yes! "Living Color" and the logo(?) have a bad case of the jaggies. Quality of the jpeg aquarium is poor. (at least to my eyes) "Livingcolor" AND logo in top left and right corners on each page and neither is a 'home/main' link and then there's the non-stop scrolling "Creating New Worlds." (Don't like that!) Navigation: Well if you were a pilot or a sailor you'd be flying into mountains or running into reefs. Navigation is less than adequate. When you get to the 'Secured Area' There's no obvious way to enter. I could go on [i]forever[/i] about the navigation....beginning with the front page. a Menu across the top and "Enter Living Color Site" at the bottom. What's that about? Did they do anything so "Oh! My god!" really right? NO! but I think the logo has some pretty decent potential. The quality of all images could be improved considerably. It's apparent the target audience for the product is affluent. One can then assume the potential client is not hooking up to the internet with a 56K modem thus loading time does not become a major issue. Something to be aware of yes.... but not extremely critical. A friend... just in the process of developing a site has made the decision to virtually ignore 56K based on these facts. Is this valid in all cases? Probably not but, if you're talking money and fast connections why give them poor images? A 56K'er at a site like this is the same as a "Looky-lou" in the showroom...it's nice to have them drop by but.... *Frontpage* was the first thing that came to mind when I viewed your clients existing page... confirmation was in the source. If your client isn't aware of FP's shortcomings.... [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/Forum1/HTML/005561.html]http://www.ozoneasylum.com/Forum1/HTML/005561.html[/url] We can only hope he/she didn't spend a whole buncha cash there. Doc, comparing these two sites to your proposal is almost unfair. One word sums up yours and it doesn't enter my mind on the other two. Professional. One can only hope your clients product is as good as yours.
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