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I though I would just chime in on one thing. I recently was doing some web research on buying highend homes in thailand. What I found was most people who can buy items at this price range, don't do the the research. Rather they hire someone else to do the search and provide a report or summary. I needed to provide documentation on 20-30 homes and company's. The bigest problem I ran into was non-print friendly sites, and flash sites I ended up screen capturing about 100 pages of documents or mailing for document which just waisted my time so most I didn't bother there for no sale. An item of this price should realy have a downloadable PDF or at least a print friendly version, with detailed info. jstuartj [This message has been edited by jstuartj (edited 10-13-2002).] [This message has been edited by jstuartj (edited 10-13-2002).]
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