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Welcome, jasonoia. Hope you stick around and join in the fun. Well, the first thing that strikes me is how small the site is at 1024x768. I understand that with a design like that you pretty much have no choice but to go with a fixed size, but you might consider making it a little bigger. It took me a while to figure out that those three white boxes were the scrollbar... the only thing that gave it away was the bottom of the text being cut off. I would definitely do something with that so you can see the arrows. Yeah, I'm going to guess that the number is your counter... but why have it up there right at the beginning, and not even labelled? If it's that important to you, label it. If it's not, tuck it away somewhere. I never went for counters myself, but it's a personal preference. I would agree with CPrompt about "Downloads"--what about calling it something like "Favorites," or even "Links?" Now for a few minor quibbles: I noticed on the first page (and the "News" page) that you switch between capitalizing your "I"s and not capitalizing them. I would either stick with regular capitalization or go with all lower case--it's kind of distracting the way it is. Probably won't bother a lot of people, though. Also, and this is just out of curiosity, why do you feel the need to defend your use of CuteHTML? If you had not made any qualifying comment, most people would never have thought twice. I guess that doesn't really belong in a review, but it struck me as odd--and, to be honest with you, kind of gave me the impression that the author was insecure (a silly little thing, I know, but I'm just like that--don't take it personally). [img]http://disk919.com/sig/suho1004_0210.gif[/img] [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/FaqWiki/shownode.php?id=270]Cell 270[/url]
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