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Dracusis: Really nice work indeed and a great use of CSS, etc. 1. That centring is noticeable and should be fixed. You actually use JavaScript to do it which is distincly odd - use CSS and move away from absolute positioning and use float. For all your centring needs see: [url=http://bluerobot.com/web/css/center1.html]http://bluerobot.com/web/css/center1.html[/url] 2. Why do I see this:  before the source? 3. The graphics are really nicely done but they have a bit of a light touch to the outer edge and the general lighting isn't clear to me (it was slightly distracting). 4. I dind't think the way you have done your images was quite XHTML and might cause a few problems for some browsers - you need a space before the /> e.g. in here: [code] <img onmouseover="this.src='images/tutorial.jpg'" onmouseout="this.src='images/space.gif'" src="images/space.gif" width="180" height="42" alt="...like I ever paid attantion in class"/> [/code] 5. I'd add in a JavaScript loading indicator for those people on dialup as they might be left staring at the screen wondering what had happened ;) Other than that it looks really good and works nicely. You've done a mighty fine job with this :D [edit: fixed HSBoD] ___________________ Emps FAQs: [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/53/]Emperor[/url]
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