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Emps:  ??? :confused: Edit: Oh, that. Yah, I think I know what that's from. As for the Javascript centering... well... I'd still need to use script for part of it anyways. Oh, hang on.... maybe not. I was having some problem getting the layout centered in a logical way (just wouldn't work). I'll have a bit of a play later on and see what I can come up with. I know what you mean about the edges being rather light. I'm working on something for that but it'll come later. <img/> or <img />... I thought the <img /> one was just bacause some of the old browsers like pre NN3/IE3 would fail completly with those kinds of markup. I think <img/> is considered proper form for XML document. A Javascript Load counter for 130k?... Yeash. Maybe.... Narr stuff em.... arr.. yeah alright. I'll do that later... [This message has been edited by Dracusis (edited 10-15-2002).]
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