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Well DL, I would have thought actually you were in your mid to late 30's. Now, I am getting this on my own from your: [quote] sketches from high school (1989-91 or so...). [/quote] Figuring that you graduated at 18 in 1991, that would make you around 29. I would have guessed 35-38. Anyway. . . I should have said that when I was looking at the page, it was on a piece of shit laptop and the colors looked really bad. I should have known better, stupid me :rolleyes: The purple I like. The green is not *bad* (as green is my fav color) but I would think a different shade. I don't know, just me. The "watery" effect is just great. I love it. Typography on the "logo" and the layout of it (how it is spaced, what is that kerning?) is nice. Well, that's it. I like the art by the way. I guess that I should have thrown that in there. You can certainly see the difference between the two. So, tell us sometime about how your art got stollen. :) Later, C:\ [b]~Binary is best~[/b]
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