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First CSS and site redesign
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Before I go and start adding content, I wonder if I could get your options on this site. This is my first attempt at CSS, and my second at web design so I am unsure if I am moving in the correct direction. [url=http://www.jstuartj.com]http://www.jstuartj.com[/url] Any advice on the menu bar? I want to have the icons change as well as the text changes color, Should I do this with javascipt or should I use a simplied table with a background image. I originally had tree style javascript but I could not get it to work across browers, mainly "Opera" and it needlessly added fluff so I droped it. I dislike the menu being shorter then the content. However if the content increases the menu bar would need to increase. I would have to change it on each page. Would it be better to just set all the pages and menu to say 1200px in height even if the content will not fill it. Perhaps a script to move the postion on the menu, but would it cause too many problem cross browser and platform. My main problem it is has to work on the Mac , perferably under 5th gen browsers under OS 9, that is the most likely system in place where I will be interviewing. While I am not looking for a web designer or designer. I don't what to look too stupid. jstuartj PS. Please talk me out of using flash instead. [This message has been edited by jstuartj (edited 10-15-2002).]
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