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[quote]I didn't get a chance to look at the whole site. Maybe I'll get back to it later.[/quote] That's OK - the rest of the site is text which switches in the main box on the right, except for the forum, which is based on Squishdot, and which I'm replacing with Ikonboard anyway - so not relevant. I see the little gray dot, but can't find it in the graphics, so I've got a bit of fun rifling through the HTML and code to see if I can discover where it comes from (or I have to wait 'till Monday 'coz I left my good specs at work!!) The comments about navigation were very usefum, and very relevant. I see now that it was something I didn't really think through properly. You know how it is ... you spend days looking at the graphical thing, and the obvious receeds into the background the more you look at the detail ... I guess that's why this sort of forum is so useful ... that plus the fact that there are so many real experts on here whose skills and opinions I respect greatly. I need constructive input, being so amateurish in comparison. I think I've worked out how to improve the navigability without tearing the original design (which I like) to pieces, so now it's back to old PS 5.5 and a quick rework.
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