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Tribulation Radio
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Suho - I fixed the "non-informative" rollover buttons - I think the new pattern works a lot better. Thanks for the input. Now I have to make the two bottom "neons" a bit less klunky looking. Nobodywebsite - Thanks for the input, and yes .. Den Haag is beautiful. I had my choices of anywhere in Europe to settle down, and I chose Den Haag. As you rightly say, I need to do something with all three "neon" tubes. i'll be working on them next. As for the text ... I consciously settled for a fixed 800x600 screen size, and 9px verdana is really the only choice for getting enough on the screen at once whilst still retaining legibility ... In the future, I might make the page resizable/scalable, and increase the text size a little. The same goes for the graphics. The same server is putting out 6x24Kbit radio streams 24x7x365, do I don't have a lot of bandwidth to deliver graphics intensive content. Hence the reason for saving it as a high-compression jpeg file. If I can ever afford a bigger pipe, I will need to choose between delivering more radio content or more visual quality. I think the radio will win though. Rright now I think I'll put it to bed apart from the smaller tweaks ... My new priority is definitely to rework the parent Trib Design site - which looks bloody awful! [This message has been edited by trib (edited 10-21-2002).]
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