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Tribulation Radio
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Done ... I tried to incorporate the text into the rollovers, but they're to small. I kinda like the mechanical look of the labels enough to keep them and hope they work. I altered the neon tubes to give a more consistent feel too. Now down to doing something with that muddy brown old Trib site, and getting Ikonboard configured for the listeners. Re. Modem users - I actually keep the stream bitrate down to 24K especially for the modem users - and there's sure a fair proportion of dialups in my listener list - even one of the artists (Open Canvas/Alphawave Movement) is on a dialup - and he listens every day ... Thanks to you both for all your help .. and for the comment about the music :) .. My collection keeps growing, and i'm even getting support (promo CDs) from some of the musicians as well now. edit - the ikonboard is up so now it's only Trib Design to re-design .. groan !! - /edit [This message has been edited by trib (edited 10-22-2002).]
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