OZONE Asylum
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Howdy and Welcome to the house that Doc built. <bg> I like robots. They're kinda pet-like things aren't they. :D Anyway the first thing that distracts me is the non-stop animation. Let it cycle through maybe a couple of times and then stop it? Continuous is no good. Could everything be centered as opposed to left aligned? All that space on the right... gives me the urge to make notes or something....and I'm left handed and that would be frustrating. "Click on th image to enlarge." Perhaps consider a colour other than blue.... or make that 'clickable' as blue is most commonly associated with a 'click.' Just a bit of a distraction and perhaps a bit picky. Good 'Content' which as we know is the most important thing of all, so you're well on your way I'd say... The 'heavies' will have more to say I'm sure. <bg> Again, Welcome... enjoy your stay.
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