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Black Times New Roman on a gray background reminds me of 1995; I'd style the content up a bit. The table borders could be fine, but in combination with the black-Times-on-gray, they just reinforce the WWW-a-la-NCSA-Mosaic look. The content impinges too closely on the border graphics of its frame; and I'm not a big fan of the centered text, either. Paragraphs are only readable if they're ragged right or entirely justified, and true justification isn't too practical on the web. The red text on the gray background just makes my eyes hurt. The link rollovers look pretty good to me, the neon effect fits well with the site's theme. The top banner does nothing for me, it could as easily be <h1>-level text, and structurally maybe it should be. The animated section does indeed get on my nerves; I'd recommend moving it to an animated Flash intro, but then I'd have to shoot myself and you. Check for typos. On the front page, I saw "the design link to you're left." These kinds of errors come in flocks. Do a copyedit. The movie links aren't even clickable for me in Opera 6, but even if they worked, I'm very likely to be surfing with all pop-up windows blocked, or with JavaScript disabled entirely. Unless I'm viewing the Doc's latest masterpiece, I leave JavaScript totally disabled. It's used for evil more than it's used for good. Just give people direct links to the movie files and let them do it their own way. Anything I haven't mentioned is just fine!
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