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Yeh thanks for that, i agree with most of what you are saying :P i guess because it was originally going to be a temp site i didnt put alot of thought into some parts. I might redo it with css shouldnt take too long. Umm, yeh i threw the movies up quick also, and embeded them in a way which i know ONLY works in IE.. I put the popup in because as a general rule of thumb its good to let the user click to play the movie rather than just playing it, especially where dial up people are concerned. Unfortunately with my host i can put the movies so they can just be downloaded :( - any sugestions around this? Ideally i would like to embed all the movies on that page, but so that they dont start downloading until someone clicks play, im not sure if this can be done tho, from what ive see it automatically buffers them. Any suggestions on this would be great, i guess quicktime is pretty well supported, but even then ive talked to people that dont use quicktime and hate that format. - very hard to please everyone ;( Thanks for your review
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